Mahu Update

Last weekend I've been to Johore. A trip to convoi my cousin's wedding. Because my parents can't make their trip to Johore due to certain result, they send me. Sigh, luckily I've got my cousin's friends who accompany me through the journey. Well driving to Johore is very interesting though. 4 hours driving (proud having a fast nation car, ingat BMW je ke yang laju?) to Pontian from Shah Alam is very fun.

I found wedding ceremony in Johore is hugely merrier. This is my first time seeing a wedding ceremony with 2 times of kenduri, my first time seeing kompang squad singing songs, my first time seeing a very very long akad nikah. I don't know if other states are doing like Johore, but I never see it at Kelantan. Kelantan compare to Johore is very much simpler, and boring though, but Johore is way too decoratic and havoc, I mean on how they handle their ceremony. Eh, did I mention earlier that this is also my first time seeing people doing silat during wedding? Well, at the wedding, I think the whole village wants to perform their skills. From kids to old persons, everybody wants to demonstrate their silat skills.

Then after coming back to Shah Alam I got fever and flu. Flu looks like won't go away anytime sooner. Sigh.


HEROICzero said...

kelantan kan zuhud.. rilek jek.. haha.. tenang..

HEROICzero said...

oit.. koL ko, xnk ckp plak..sombong..

RinG said...

ek eleh adil.. aku angkat ko letak.. lgpon, aku ada ceramah time tuh.. len kali datang shah alam gau awal2, leh aku ponteng.. haha

shotliver said...

Whoaahh they do Silat at weddings?? awesome!!! did you have photos? anyway hope you feel better soon! have a good rest and drinks loads of fluids some vitamin C would help too :)

Sakinah Amran said...

haha semua pun 1st time?

izzahismail said...

ring, when my bro is married to kelantan's fact all my in laws are from Kelantan. wedding dkat kelantan ade tomoi kot? if i'm not mistaken. silat pon ade jgak.hehe :)

it was fun tho! :)

RinG said...

to shotliver,

yeap, normal in Malaysia to perform during weddings but I never saw it before until then.. hehe.. unfortunately, I don't snap any to share here.. I don't have camera and never like to use my camera phone.. sorry..

to cik kiah,

haha, yeap cik kiah.. sumenye first time.. maklom la, jarang2 g kenduri.. kirenye, ni gak kot first time g kenduri dari awal smpai abis.. hoho..

to izzahismail,

tomoi? wah, xpnah dengar sblom nih.. ni area2 sempadan Malaysia-Thai kot ur bro married..

HEROICzero said...

kat tempat aku xd pon? dtg2.. g makan.. duduk jap.. pengantin dtg ngn kompang.. usha muka pengantin pompuan.. wt analisis cket pasal diorg pny malam pertama cmne.. pastu balik..

RinG said...


ko bdk bandar.. mmg a prangai cam tu.. haha

HEROICzero said...

aku dak kampong dow.. budak hulu jek..hulu klang..

Yana Ismail said...

get well soon ok;)

Norae said...

salam dik ring..

kenduri kat johor memang meriah.. dengan marhaban la..joget lambak. karaoke la.. meriah hasbiss... ramai cousin akak tinggal & kawin ngan orang johor..

Rasanya kenduri di Kelantan dibuat lebih sederhana...

HEROICzero said...

sederhAna itu bermaksud, tidak meriah..


Anonymous said...


apalah ring.

time my parents wedding pun dah ada silat.aku pun dah tgk*via pix r*

amyway,apasal x singgah utm???

dekat dah tu!!